日 時:2013年1月26日(土)15:00~18:00
場 所:京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階大会議室
15:00~15:15 太田至(京都大学)「趣旨説明」
15:15~16:15 松本仁一(朝日新聞特別企画顧問)「アフリカは紛争解決能力があるのか」
16:15~16:35 休 憩
16:35~17:35 ゲブレ・インティソ(アジス・アベバ大学教員)「エチオピアにおける法の多元性と慣習的な裁判(Legal Pluralism and Customary Courts in Ethiopia)」
17:35~18:00 総合討論
要 旨
趣旨説明 太田至(京都大学)


エチオピアにおける法の多元性と慣習的な裁判(Legal Pluralism and Customary Courts in Ethiopia)

Legal Pluralism and Customary Courts in Ethiopia
Yntiso D. Gebre (Addis Ababa University)
In Ethiopia, plural legal systems exist: the formal (regular) court and the informal (customary) court. With the exception of family matters that may be handled outside of the regular court and disputes between Muslims that may be taken to the Sharia court, conflicts resolved through other traditional mechanisms lack legal recognition. However, research reveals that most people in rural communities and many people in urban areas prefer the customary courts over the formal law for all forms of disputes.
In the past, the customary dispute resolutions mechanisms were considered backward practices that need to be replaced by the modern codified law. Today, there exists a growing recognition of the relevance of traditional conflict resolutions. In recent years, it became evident that sometimes government authorities encourage customary courts to address conflicts that could not be resolved through the state machinery.
Customary dispute resolution institutions are not without blemishes, however. Some are criticized for violating human rights and for excluding women and the youth from participation in hearings. This places traditional courts at odds with the international instruments that Ethiopia has signed. There are also instances, in some localities, where customary courts handle hard crimes such as homicide and even pass death sentences at the village court level. This is another source of confrontation between the formal and informal systems.
In this presentation, I will explain the reasons why the traditional courts remain relevant and in some cases even dominant; the manifestations of the recent seemingly favorable trend and its implications; and the challenges associated with the use of customary courts.