[北東アフリカ・クラスター第7回研究会]「Valorization of origin based-products in Ethiopia: an option being considered for biodiversity conservation and local development」(2014年12月12日開催)



演題:Valorization of origin based-products in Ethiopia: an option being considered for biodiversity conservation and local development
講師:Presenter:Feleke Woldeyes Gamo
(Arba Minch University, Ethiopia / Kyoto University)


It is well recognized that conservation objectives cannot be achieved only through reserves that are often small, fragmented, isolated, poorly-protected and in most cases embedded within an agricultural landscape. As a result, the approach of conserving biodiversity while sustaining agricultural productivity, indigenous cultures, and rural livelihoods is increasingly being advocated. At the heart of this new approach is establishing an incentive system that aids in valorization of local products, associated biological resources and know-how. With the intention of examining the mechanisms already in place to valorize local resources and also the potential of the intended approach to serve the intended purpose, a study was made in Southwest Ethiopia. In the presentation, therefore, concepts on local products and their association to biological diversity, mechanisms and tools of valorization, and product promotion and protection tools will be addressed. Resources plants that were identified as suitable for promotion will be presented; their diversity-related role and trend of commercialization will be assessed. The presentation will conclude by summarizing the positive impacts of market-based incentives, the observed or speculated drawbacks and the likelihood of institutionalizing the market-based valorization scheme.

・ JSPS科研費補助金 基盤研究(A)「アフリカ在来知の生成と共有の場における実践的地域研究:新たなコミュニティ像の探求」

カテゴリー: 北東アフリカ(地域別研究クラスター) パーマリンク