これは、科研費基盤研究(S)「アフリカの潜在力を活用した紛争解決と共生の実現に関する総合的地域研究」の一環として、ナイロビ大学が発行する学術雑誌 “Mila, The Journal of the Institute of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies”の特集号として出版されました。
- 1. Foreword
Shuhei Shimada - 2. Introduction to the Special Issue “Exploring African Potentials: The
Dynamics of Action, Living Strategy, and Social Order in Southern Africa”
Akira Takada and Isaac K. Nyamongo - 3. The Decline in Migrant Labour and its Impact on Diversified Rural
Livelihoods in a Mountain Area of Lesotho
Miyo Matsumoto - 4. Rural Entrepreneurs and Social Connections: The Management of Cattle
Posts and Interactions among Farmers in North-central Namibia
Yuichiro Fujioka - 5. Recent Changes in Communal Livestock Farming in North-western Namibia
with Special Reference to the Rapid Spread of Livestock Auctions and
Mobile Phones
Koki Teshirogi - 6. The Growth of ‘Rural Business’ and its Impact on Local Society in
Chihiro Ito - 7. Land Use of Angolan Immigrants in Western Zambia: Rethinking the
Autonomy and Coexistence of Self-settled Refugee Communities in Host
Rumiko Murao - 8. Imagined Entrepreneurs in Neoliberal South Africa: Informality and
Spatial Justice in Post-Apartheid Cities
Yohei Miyauchi