[3rd Public Lecture / 10th Plenary Committee Meeting] “Peace Building in Africa: Challenges Found in the Field and the Future Options” (March 23, 2013)

Date: March 23, 2013
Venue: Inamori Foundation Memorial Bldg. (Inamori Center), Large Conference Room, Kyoto University


14:00-14:15 Mitsugi Endo (Tokyo University)
Aims of the Workshop
14:15-15:15 Rumiko Seya (Japan Center for Conflict Prevention)
Peace Building in Africa: Challenges Found in the Field and the Future Options
15:15-16:00 Question and Discussion
16:30-17:30 Meeting for Exchanging Ideas between Ms, Seya and Project Members


Many areas of contemporary Africa faces difficult questions, such as how various dispute is made to end and how dismantled and exhausted society by dispute shall be rebuilt. Rumiko Seya, who had participated in conflict resolution and peace building in Africa, talked about the problem with her experiences and the concrete example.

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