- The African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD)
Website of a civil organization that endeavors to manage, analyze, and prevent conflicts in Africa. The organization publishes a journal called African Journal of Conflict Resolution (AJCR) and you can access to all papers from this website. Also you can download all pages of the books published by this organization from the website.
- The Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP)
Website of a project conducted by Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University. The website contains one of the most utilized database on armed conflicts. You can access to the data related to armed conflicts of the world that have broken out after 1970.
- The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
Website of a non-profit organization which was founded in 1959 in Oslo, Norway. The organization conducts researches on the conditions for peaceful relations between states, groups and people. The website contains profiles of affiliated researchers and the projects which the organization carries out. You have an access to Journal of Military Ethics and International Area Studies Review from this page.
- Centre for Conflict Resolution (CCR)
Website of a non-profit organization founded by University of Cape Town in 1968. The website provides profiles of the projects the organization carries out, advertisement of seminars, reviews of books published by the organization. Annual reports of the organization are downloadable at the website.
- Africa Files
Website launched in 2002 to enhance the networking of people dealing with Africa. The websites collects and puts articles on Africa that are published on other websites.
- Alliance for Conflict Transformation
Website of a non-profit organization which was founded in 1999 by experts who have worked in the field of peace building. The organization’s works include peace education, evaluation of peace building project, intermediation of negotiations for conflict resolution.
- Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation
This website was first launched by the Project for the Study of Violence in January 1989. Currently the project developed into an institution called Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation run by mostly donations from the government of South Africa, several aid agencies and non-profit organizations from other countries. The center studies issues on criminal justice, gender-based violence, peace building, transitional justice, trauma, and youth violence.
- List of Conflicts in Africa
A page of Wikipedia which lists past and present conflicts in Africa. By clicking each item on the list, you can move to pages with detailed information.