[4th Public Lecture / 15th Plenary Committee Meeting] “Reality of Conflict in Contemporary Africa” (March 29, 2014)

Date: March 29, 2014
Venue: Inamori Foundation Memorial Bldg. (Inamori Center), Large-sized Room

“Reality of Conflict in Contemporary Africa”

Recently, we face the problems on the path ways of conflict resolution, peace building, and the post conflict society rehabilitation in contemporary Africa. In this public workshop, we invited two famous scholar and journalist, Prof. Endo, M from University of Tokyo and Takao, T. from Mainichi Shimbun, major newspaper agency in Japan. We provided opportunities to discuss the ways for solving these problems.


“To consider the contemporary condition of African conflicts”
Mitsugi Endo (University of Tokyo)

“The importance of people’s bonds and sequential thinking in the scene of African conflicts”
Tomonari Takao (Mainichi Shimbun)

General Discussion

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